How to Improve the Worship Experience with Architecture & Interior Design


According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, “Worship(v.)” is described as a form of religious practice with its creed and ritual

Churches play a large part in creating worship. They serve as the structure in which communities congregate, express themselves, and become closer to God. The importance of churches in worship is substantial. It is important for leaders and stakeholders to consider church architecture when getting to the root of problems.

Table of Contents

  1. What Makes a Church Successful & Why is Church Architecture Important

  2. How to Improve Your Church with Architecture & Design

What Makes a Church Successful & Why is Church Architecture Important

There are a number of aspects that make a church successful, and the definition of success is unique to every congregation. It may be defined by your worship service attendance, your staff’s engagement with your community, ministry + outreach, or retention and involvement.

Architecture and interior design aren’t always thought of as the first or second remedy to improve retention and effectiveness. However, church architecture can actually benefit many who feel their congregations are dwindling and can revitalize your enthusiasm as a leader, your leadership team’s energy, and improve other aspects of worship, ministry services, and youth programs. 

What Is Church Architecture 

Church architecture is defined as the buildings created and designed for worship. This can look very different depending on the denomination or the religion itself. Jewish temples have different shapes, needs, and features than a Christian chapel or sanctuary. 

The question, “what is church architecture” has become more complicated because, over the years, the traditional model of church architecture has changed. Some denominations have continued to maintain their traditional steeple or dome-like top. However, modern denominations (especially in Christianity) have gone a separate route and have chosen to restore historic buildings, utilize non-conventional buildings, and have even rented out office spaces or retail spaces(typically found in the church plant stage).

The Importance of Churches in Worship

There is a large emphasis and correlation between church architecture and the importance of churches in worship. Good church architecture has the ability to improve the community, as well as the learning and spiritual growth of youth, adults, and leadership through space, color, light, and furniture.

How to Improve Your Church with Architecture & Interior Design


Church architecture

Space is a large contributor to church or temple problems. Space can be a deciding factor as to whether elders or new parents can attend (think about wheelchairs, walkers, strollers, etc.), whether parents and adults feel comfortable (especially amidst coronavirus), and if children can run around and have the freedom to worship and be imaginative. 

With the careful and optimized division of space, you can create areas for strollers and walkers. You can add on rooms that fit your congregation’s needs such as a gathering area, youth room, cafe, literature room, or a private chapel. You can even expand outdoors and develop an outdoor congregation area, volleyball court, or a meditation garden.

Explore our Green Road Synagogue project to learn more about our church renovation and space optimization.


How To Improve Your Church Architecture

Additional opportunities for light can help improve moods and increase energy. If you have a traditional chapel, utilizing stained glass windows and light can help not only boost mood but also depict images like stations of the cross or your church’s core values. 

The absence of light can also help set the tone as well as create the feeling of privacy and one-on-one interaction for those to engage in worship as they feel. It can also help to emphasize certain areas like the pulpit or the stage as well as the back or exit area. 


Color can also impact energy and mood or be used to communicate values.  Using bright or symbolic colors like green, purple, blue, and white can help keep your leadership and congregation focused. Color can also be leveraged in various rooms like the children’s room vs. the young-adults room. 


Last but not least, is furniture. Most services last at least an hour. Proper and comfortable seating is essential in keeping your congregation’s attention and improving retention. With likely other options in the area, choosing your congregation’s seating wisely can improve mood, retention, and attention. Furniture can also provide additional opportunities for literature and announcements. Using chairs with pockets on the back can allow you to provide extra bibles or Tanakhs. It can also hold communication messages like charities you’re giving to or the next young adult group meeting. 

Furniture can also help with youth ministry. Choosing age-appropriate tables and chairs can help to keep the children’s attention as well as provide opportunities for learning and exploration. Adding bookshelves and toy areas can give them time to read more about their religion or play-act and use what they’ve learned in a practical setting. 

If you’re looking to renovate your church, studioTECHNE can help! Check out our guide on developing a project vision for your church and contact us to get started. 


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