The Curse of Design


Living with a Curse

When you’re driving, and you see a breathtaking scene, or you are walking down the street and everything just seems so picturesque, do you ever wonder what it is that resonates within you? Do you notice the colors, or the overlap of shadows? Is it the structure of the trees or the rise of a hill? 

As architects and designers, these are only a few of the thousands of questions we ask ourselves as we work. Our natural instinct to analyze bleeds into every object, surface and environment we encounter in our daily lives. You can’t imagine the discussion that goes into purchasing a simple glass. We think about its weight, the feeling in our hands, its shape, its ability to serve the intended purpose, and if it will enhance our dining experience. 

Is the compulsive need to continually seek answers through a rigorous critique of color, finish, composition, quality, feel and function, a blessing or the ‘Curse of Design’? The innate personality trait we have for this compulsive behavior was sculpted and refined by an education process that encourages this obsession. 

This curse (or blessing, as some might call it)  leads to a life filled with amazing experiences of well-designed and presented clothing, accessories, home décor, vehicles and even food.  We have a deep appreciation of the effort it takes to design an object well, and the moment of wonder and surprise felt at finding something special among the expected.  

Our Wish for You

Good design is not a luxury.  Good design balances the inherently functional with a sense of beauty.  It is something that enhances your life and brings you joy. While we certainly wouldn’t wish our curse upon anyone, we do hope this will ignite a bit of inquiry the next time you hold a glass or smile as you pick up an object or feel content in a space you regularly frequent.