Our 2700 Degree World


The Power of Lighting

Engaging, appropriate, modifiable lighting is a critical component in creating successful spaces. 

The fascinating thing is, very few people are aware of the power of lighting.

Have you ever looked at the flame when you light a candle or look into a fire? Did you notice the colors from the wick to the tip of the flame? The color varies based on differing temperatures across the flame. Lighting is similar to a flame. Incandescent bulbs radiate light energy and our current LED technology attempts to recreate the appearance of a flame. As architects and designers, we need to make sure the light temperature is consistent and cohesive with the activity and mood of the space designed. 

Lighting & Our Opinions

Light temperature is measured in degrees of Kelvin(k). When referring to temperature, we mean the color emitted by the light source.  

When discussing light temperatures, we most often discuss options between 2700K and 6000K. If you’re anywhere near a designer, you’re going to hear some very strongly held opinions on which number is the best. According to us… 

  • 2700k is warm and cozy, approaching the color of candle light in feeling - this is where Danish hygge happens. 2700k and even the next step higher is the best for occupants’ skin tones and improves the mood of almost any space.

  • 3500k is a bit cooler while still feeling in the ‘warm’ range, there’s a tinge of yellow to the light. It’s acceptable, we’ll leave it at that.

  • 4100K is starting to be crisper, a bit bluer even a little green. This can be described as more neutral but you’re reading the writing of people who think it’s fair to call it cold.

  • 5000K is, in theory, simulating a bright sunny day. Let’s not even start.

  • 6000K is called full sunlight. No. Just, no, not ever.

Lights, Camera, Love Actually!

Lighting for movies and lighting in architecture have a lot in common. In movies, lighting can help the viewer understand how to feel emotionally. It can signify a specific mood and draw the viewer into the world of the story being created. How is lighting used in movies to make magic? Actually, to tell you the truth, it is all about lighting at the lower temperature. We have included a few images to illustrate our point. Ladies and gentleman, Love Actually:

Scenes from Love Actually