5 Crucial Things to Know Before Entering ‘Plant Parenthood’


A quick search through #plantgang or #houseplantclub on social media reveals thousands of rooms converted to indoor forests. A walk through any home building store or farmer’s market (locally the Lakewood Plant Company at the Cleveland Flea) is an enchanting stroll past racks of succulents, cacti, and tropical plants ripe for wilding your habitat.

Before making that purchase, you should understand how to keep your plant healthy. Choosing the best plant for you and your indoor space isn’t all that complicated. Here are 5 THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND when converting your urban desert into a peaceful green oasis:


1. Not All Plants Are Created Equal; Do Your Research!

Plants are living organisms that each require specific care. Some need direct light for 6+ hours, others thrive in indirect light. Take note of the lighting and sunlight available in your space. If you have access to southern windows, succulents and cacti would be a good choice. If your main source of light is a light fixture from above, you can’t go wrong with ferns or low light plants like Pothos.

2. Maintenance + Keeping Your Plant from Dying

Without even a little maintenance, all plants will die. Whether it’s a personal plant, office plant, or an entire living wall, determine who is responsible for their care. Ensure they’re getting enough sun and water, and are tended to if bugs or mold arises.

If you see your plant dramatically stretching, don’t be fooled – it’s not growing quickly. It needs more sunlight; what appears to be stretching is actually your plant attempting to grow closer to the sun. The amount of water varies per plant and per pot. If you have a drainage hole, water plants thoroughly until water runs out of the bottom for about 2 seconds. If there is no drainage, only water with about a tablespoon.

3. The Best Indoor Plants

There’s a myth going around: “succulents are best plants because they’re low maintenance”. The truth is, there is not such thing as a “best plant”. It’s all relative to the amount of care you are realistically able to provide it. Taking care of succulents isn’t easy; they have many demands in order to thrive indoors. Succulents need bright, direct sunlight. It’s also important not to over water these plants. Depending on the succulent, you can water them with a small amount of water once or twice a week.  Forgiving Succulents include: Jade Plant or Echeveria Firestorm. For the low-maintenance lovers, instead, try a Snake Plant. As previously mentioned, if you don’t have adequate lighting, low lighting plants include ferns and Pothos.

4. Know Your Audience

Will anyone be bothered by the type of plant you’ve chosen to adorn your space with? This is especially true for plants that are producing pollen or have fragrance. Some people may have allergies to your selected plant or don’t share the same affinity for plants. Check with your neighbor and see what plants could work for you both. You should also consider your pets. Cats are known for snacking on indoor plants. Not all indoor plants are safe for cats or other pets. Be mindful of where you place your plants and make sure they are out of reach so pets and tiny humans can’t destroy them. 

5. Resilience and Patience!

Plants, in general, are incredibly resilient. You can do them wrong and they will forgive you time and time again. If you have a plant that isn’t responding to its current environment in the way that you’d like, try adjusting the location, watering schedule, humidity and draft exposure. No matter the situation, there’s a plant for everyone and every space.

Following the recommendations in this guide will make sure your plants thrive.
Now, where do I get one of those “Plant Lady” shirts?

Learn more from our resident Plant Guru by following her on instagram @MyOnlyChildren