Back in Black!


Adapting to the New Normal 

Techne Architects Team

The transition to our home offices in March was filled with many emotions.  The uncertainty of if or when we would all be back together, the worry about our ability to be productive at home without life’s constant distractions and the overwhelming concern about keeping ourselves and our families safe. The first few months gave way to new routines and a new way of working.  With our commute times eliminated and the need to maintain a professional appearance (party on the bottom) during video calls, we gained more flexibility and opportunity to remain comfortable in a time when we all craved a bit more support.  As time progressed, we managed the idiosyncrasies of the various online meeting platforms (“you’re still on mute”), worked to maintain our culture, provide some sense of social connection via virtual happy hours, socially distant lunches in the courtyard and online card games, and found balance between home life and the home office. However, the fatigue we were all feeling had become much more evident.  As a firm rich in culture and connection, we were craving the ability to be back together.  

We’re Back! 

We took several steps to ensure the office was ready including the addition of automatic fixtures, cleaning supplies throughout, PPE (including custom TECHNE masks) and safety protocols.  The transition back has been seamless – we have slipped back into our daily office banter, card playing during lunch (although still done online) and once again, can begin to operate as one firm rather than the six remote offices. 

A Word from Morgan and Mariah

Morgan’s Thoughts

Thoughts on working remotely.

Throughout my time working remotely I gained an even deeper appreciation for the office culture here at studio techne.

What we learned.

As an office our use of technology has amplified while working remotely. Moving forward, I believe that these diversified skills will more effectively help us communicate with each other and clients.

Mariah’s Thoughts

For the majority of the time (5 months), I really liked working from home. It was a change of pace that I enjoyed. It gave me more time to spend in my home and with my kitties. Working at home made me feel safe and respected as an employee. However, mid-august I lost steam. I was longing for a reason to get ready in the morning and to get back into a routine.  I look forward to interacting with my people daily again. I also look forward to having a dedicated space for my materials that isn’t a spare bedroom : ) Forest is excited about that part too.

Finishing Remarks

We are thrilled to be back together, and after a month back in the office, we are still going strong! If there’s one positive outcome we can take away from this difficult time, it is that we cannot take for granted the genuine love and care we have for one another; we must continue to cultivate and nurture such love and care– it is the foundation of the firm’s relationship with each other and with our clients. 

Our Lunchtime Progression

LUNCHTIME: Before the Covid-19 Takeover

LUNCHTIME: Before the Covid-19 Takeover

LUNCHTIME: Work-From-Home Edition

LUNCHTIME: Work-From-Home Edition

LUNCHTIME: Back in Black

LUNCHTIME: Back in Black